
“Patience is not passive, it is concentrated strength.”
Bruce Lee
The ability to wait for something without getting frustrated is a useful skill and a good quality to develop for many reasons. Have you ever had to wait in a check-out line, have you ever been stuck in traffic, when your cooking was a disaster and had to start over, when you gave up too soon on a project, frustrated when someone is late, when your checkbook doesn’t balance, and waiting at a doctor’s office. Wow this list could go on and on. So how can we develop more patience? The more we exercise patience the less agitated we will be, and it will make our life happier.
Experts would tell us to practice patience. Everyday there are many opportunities. Remind yourself that you are merely uncomfortable when you get frustrated. Distract yourself on something else when you have to wait. Get to know what triggers your impatience. Look for small gains.
Do one or more of these activities to practice control: Listen to calming music, complete a crossword puzzle or Suduko, try making a meal from scratch, ban yourself from looking at your facebook for a day, practice meditation or relaxation exercises, note or journal your frustrations, give yourself a break during the day to reduce stress – 10 minutes, set a goal this week to look for the good in others.
Activity: Give it your best effort. Practice patience for one week.
Develops these qualities: Patient, Conscientious, Commitment, Persistence and Listener.
You will earn 100 Merit points.
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